Target group

This course gives you the general basic knowledge (in accordance with APV step 1.1 and APV level 1) which is a requirement for anyone who in their work is present at some form of roadwork site. This is regardless of your task and even if you are only there temporarily.

If in your work you are only affected by traffic to a lesser extent, for example when tunneling or during some bridge constructions, this course may be sufficient.

But most often it is required that you also build on with additional skills, for instance if you will drive any form of vehicle in your job, or if you are going to do any work at a work zone with passing vehicle traffic. In these cases one of our combined courses may be a good choice for you. They will soon be available in English as well!


This course gives you the basic knowledge in the field of roadwork. We explain how a roadwork site should be structured and what you need to do and keep in mind to increase safety. It is about contributing to a safe work environment, knowing who is responsible for what, understanding the importance of considering and taking measures against all potential risks, and being aware of your own responsibilities regarding for example personal protective equipment.

It’s also about knowing which laws, requirements and regulations that concern your work, and being aware of some basic rules and facts regarding traffic safety and accidents. We also take a look at the behavior of road users and the importance of considering the unprotected road users.

Structure and time required

This course consists of 6 lessons. Each lesson is approximately 5–10 minutes plus related repetition questions. The course also contains a final exam. How long it takes to complete the course depends on your prior knowledge and the number of times you want to look at the lessons and do the repetition questions. We generally recommend that people with experience set aside a total of about one and a half hours to complete this course.